Tuesday, April 16, 2013

5 Ways To Get Happy Fast

1. Show Gratitude
Make a list of at least 5 things that you are grateful for in your life. Just start writing and start small! Be happy with what you’ve got – not what you want. Focus on what is right in your life rather than what is wrong. This can be anything- gratitude for the roof over your head, the bed you sleep in, the air you breathe, your family, your limbs. Within moments, you will feel the shift within.

2. Smile and Laugh
Sounds simple and it is. Try this today when you go out – smile at everyone you see. Yes – even strangers. The more you smile, the more people will smile back at you. Be prepared to be surprised at what comes back to you. You will feel happier and you will be spreading happiness around you.

3. Breathe
Take 5 minutes and breathe. Slow, deep breathes and listen to the sound. This will transform you it will shift your attention from the external to the internal within seconds.

4.  Flowers and Nature
Flowers and nature are known to change your vibrational frequency. A quick and easy way to feel happier is to pick flowers and place them  throughout your space. Or take a walk in a park, surround yourself with living things and see how your mood changes. 

5. Water
Water has always been known for its healing attributes. Whenever you feel frustrated, unhappy or irritable take a long bath, go to the steam  room, swim in a pool, go to the ocean or head to the spa. Because water heals, it will change your feelings and give you a boost of positivity.  

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